Friday, October 22, 2010

"Were going to the zoo."

Two weeks ago Brady & I discussed going to the zoo for our fall trip since I was asked to babysit the following weekend we decided to just have Jace Tag-A-Long with us.
-All ready to go see the polar bears!
-Although Jace wasnt too impressed Brady & I just couldnt get over how big these bears are even the young ones a crazy big!
Not only did Jace have a good time but it was also a HUGE learning experience for Brady & I on what having a 2 year old would be like. It also taught me if we do have kids together I'm gonna play bad cop 90% of the time while Brady gets to play Good cop!
-See what I mean everytime Jace wanted out of that stroller, when i put him in there, Brady would get him out! He will be the spoiler for sure!lol
Everything was fine when it came to the things that were moving and swimming but when nothing was going on or the animal was sleeping Jace wanted no part of them! In other words we spent 80% of our time with the the gorillas & other monkeys, the birds, and most importantly the otters, dont forget the otters he absolutely adored them I'm pretty sure if we would have let him we would have stood there all day!
-I think they loved him too:)!
The best part of the day was the petting zoo...hand down! He loved petting all the goats and running around with the other little kids in there and I have to admit I liked it too its so much better when can actually touch and interact with the animals compared to just looking at them!

Just hanging around?
Jace was pretty amused when he should him what Batman really looks like!:)

My personal favorite! He was so gorgous!:)

His Paw was the size of Jace!

Getting ready to go see the Elephants!

How Pretty!
So we decided it would be best to save Jace's favorites for last because we knew it wasnt gonna be good trying to get him away from them! Monkeys Monkeys Monkeys thats all we heard all day long and when we finally got there it's like he honestly couldnt get close enough to the glass! MONKEY TIME!

Its AMAZING how much gorillas look like humans! I cant believe how their hands and feet and facial features are just so close to us!

Gorilla chowing down!

He absolutely loved these two. I'm almost positive it was because they kicking each other and wrestling around and Jace loves to hit and kick on a normal basis. Only thing that would have been better for him is if they could of talked and said ouch!

Always informing the audience these were "monkeys" lol
After bribing Jace with food and promises of more animals it was time to eat lunch!.

Pizza! Yummmo:)
After lunch we had one more stop the aquairum!

I dont understand how a kid can love the petting zoo so much and would touch a snake but refused to even put him hand down towards a lobster, string ray and sea star. However, me on the other hand I would touch anything they would let me, I mean hey it's not like you get to touch a lobster, sea star, and sting ray everyday now is it? lol

Yeah. Not Interested one bit.
How cute is this little baby she only weighs like 1000 lbs. no biggy
After the Aquarium Jace was finally ok with getting in the stroller and it was time to head home. Once we got to the stroller return counter I looked down and Jace was out! But you better believe who had to carry him to the car....Me but it was all worth it see this little face on the way home!
Night night Jace!:)
Over all I think the trip to the Zoo was a complete success and I enjoyed every minute and having Jace with us made it just that much more enjoyable!

Finally Fall!

Finally my FAVORITE time of year! I love the colors, the smells, the weather, the football friday nights...ahh just everything!
Most importantly the decorating LOVE, LOVE, LOVE decorating so heres what me and grams came up with this year....

I think daisy approves!

And every year I tell myself I'm not going to paint any gourds and yada yada but I always give in and make at least a few this year i decided on my initial, a black cat, a witch, and I even made Brady a Cinci. Reds Johnny Gomes:)